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Dr. Krishna Ravi Srinivas

  • Dr. Krishna Ravi Srinivas

    Dr. Krishna Ravi Srinivas is Senior Fellow and Consultant at RIS. He holds a PhD from National Law School University, Bangalore. He was a Fulbright Fellow at University of Pennsylvania, Visiting Scholar at University of Indiana, Post-Doctoral Fellow at South Center, Geneva and Visiting Faculty, IIM-B.

    At RIS he coordinates Science, Technology and Innovation Program and co-cordinates Science Diplomacy Program and is part of several projects of which RIS is a partner institution or knowledge partner. This includes STI for SDGs Road Mapping Project funded by Office of PSA, PRODIGEES, and NewHoRRIzon (funded by European Commission).  He was a part of many externally funded projects such as

    1. Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice (RRI-Practice)
    2. Performance-based Innovation Rewards (REWARD)
    3. Promoting Global Responsible research and Social and Scientific innovation (PRoGReSS)
    4. Global Ethics in Science and Technology (GEST)
    5. Pharma-Innovation-Patent-2 (InnovaP2)
    6. For FAO, he led a research project at RIS ‘The status of application, capacities and the enabling environment for agricultural biotechnologies in the Asia Pacific region’. The report from this research has been published by FAO and is available in  http://www.fao.org/3/ca4438en/ca4438en.pdf
    7. Developing Guidelines and Methodologies for Socio-Economic Assessment of LMOs funded by MoEF & CC under UNEP-GEF Project Phase II completed. This resulted in a volume published by Springer [ Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Genetically Modified Crops - Global Implications based on Case-studies from India - Sachin Chaturvedi, Krishna Ravi Srinivas (eds) 2019]  besides other outputs


    External Engagements


    Areas of Expertise

    Recent  Lectures/Seminars/Conference Presentations

    Recent Publications


    Email : ravisrinivas@ris.org.in

    Specialisation/Research Area:

     IPRs and Global Trade